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Editorial Opinion

 When Goverment Kills

I it was God who stepped in and saved me. Well there are a couple of Questions here. Why did the Secret Service not have a man on the same roof as the sniper he had no trouble with it. he was  lying down to take the shot. The secret service men rushed the stage. Why were they NOT on the stage in the first place?  Were exactly were they? Ever time you ever seen a photo of any president The video will show those men in sunglasses right beside the    President. there is a lot of love out there sure yes, but when the hate is there, there is no changing their mind. nothing can change their mind.

He set it up himself they say, with hate in their hearts. How could you possibly say that? this is a man of great integraty and humility who wants nothing more than to serve his country. He does not need the money or the job. he Only Wants To MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGIAN. If he does he will also make the world a better and safer place for the next generation.

Everyday we need to be thankful for the family and friends who love us because they are the one who will keep us safe. Unfortunately we live in a world of hate and distrust. We should not misunderstand the role of God In our socioty. Hate will continue alongside love. we must be ready to stand up and fight for the right and justice. We will not be ashamed to stand by our friends if other people do or say hateful things.

Editorial Opinion President Google

"Ah don't be ridiculous you say," Google can't be Pesident'. anyway Google is a Democrat. and your voting republican. if you think through your day, do you list yor business with google and how much are you willing to pay to be first in line. then your phone of tv what about your smart speaker, or sign in with Google.every time you make these choises is there and other you could have made. Then the are these tiny little changes that Google makes that have a huge impact on how much time you spend on any given website. every tried to download your Google drive or even your home device how do you listen to your news .

No Google may not be president yet. But google has enough power to make one. The capitalist system thrives on competition. Monopoles make people unmotaved and lazy.

now take the reference here  a google seach told me the site address was private. on another browser it is public.why?

SEE BELOW Kamala Harris, foreign  POLICY 

Editorial Opinion 

The Problem with democrates

 is they have no boundaries there are very few institution they actually respect. Including the presidency of the United States "I can assure you I know President Trumps Type" This schoolgirl remark was made by Kamala Harris, and it was all over the media." This kind of remark is degrading and disrespectful  of the office of the president of the United States not Only that If President Trump was not the gentleman he is a remark like this is below the belt and could very well have been answered in kind. "I am a women in a blue suite my pronouns are She and Her"  This second remark gives and indication of were Kamala Harris stand on the issues of sex identity in the school environmt. because the only place you can go after that remark is "MY pronouns are Maybe. She maybe black she maybe female But is she the face you want to see running America for the next four years. You know what the question if it is your boss. Is she competant? and that judging from her record is a NO. 

remember Plato's Republic,  It looks like President Trump really wants what is good For Americans anything else does not make sense. 

Editorial   Machine Ethic we asked AI

A I Online ask about ethics Link and credit 

The Question asked AI   

Should Hamas return the Hostages?

Answer below

It is important for any group, including Hamas, to prioritize the safety and well-being of hostages. They should consider releasing them unharmed and seeking peaceful resolutions to any conflicts.

In any situation involving hostages, it is vital to adhere to international humanitarian law and human rights principles. The safety and well-being of the hostages should always be the top priority. It is the responsibility of Hamas, or any other group holding hostages, to ensure their safe release and to seek peaceful resolutions to any conflicts. Holding hostages is not a legitimate or ethical means of achieving political or military goals.

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