Heres what four years Looks like!                                

Editorial Opinion

based on true story

So not only are the Guelph cops able to beat an unconscious old man up with it looks like the concent of the hospital adminstration. I got this threating call today from a cop who told me he would be examining my bank account with a fine tooth comb because of a complaint of elder abuse. This is were I draw the line. first the complaimt came from a man in my change who does not understand what he is doing. Secondly my conduct with this man has been exemplary. I got moved him out of a bedbug riddled seniors residence into a nice secure home were he should have been happy all his rent is paid his taxes are done and has lots of money to spend. even the funaral is paid for.

The police went on to say he would investigate if I had benifited from any money withdrawn form the Joint account. excuse me,  I hope this is a scam because the last time I went to see this man he was happy as a clam had money to spend and gave me a hug. I have been told that everything is ok by the home itself. as long as I am taking care of this man I am allowed to charge any fee I deem fit for the service I am poviding. 

So I hope this is a scam, for the sake of the country I live in. If it is not I hope southen Ontario is force by trade negotiation to become part of United States of America were hopefully the cops are not allowed to, with out warrent hack into banking information with no warrant. Many other seniors have thanked me for advocating for this man.

The police have no business combing through any bank account at will. Now you say there must be somthing there. If you don't stop the thugs here they will be comibng through your bank account soon.

I have the felling this activity has more to do with what is writen below then any misbehaviour on my part.

We will Remember 

Editorial Opinion #2

A community of any size does not want to be without a police force. The prospect of defunding the police bring to mind nightmare inages of lych mobs or the worg people protecting the things we hold dear.

 The other side of the Coin means we don't want to be afraid of our police.In a democarcy oll the elements of government are suppose to balace each other out. In the case of Guelph Ontario This is not happen although the police seem to have weathered the covid pandemice rather well, the justtice system and court system can mean and 18 month wait for a trial date. that is over a year. 

Yes it is in our nature to what to respect police. Part of democracy is a free press and one duty of good journalism is to report and investigate police misconduct or negligence. any intitution funded by government must should beheld resposable for any police misconduct occurring on thier property and be held acountable and libal for these actions. phoning the police to report a police beating is rubbish. Almost as good is the Idea that the police can be relied to patrol themselves.

Negligence is an awful thing and police should stand trial for not doing the job they were hired to do. Why was no-one but lone assassin on the sloping roof of a building. because the police thought it was unsafe. It was not unsafe for him so why was it unsfe for the police.

Reposive policing is what is needed here. Police that understand what a disablity is. People with disabilities can have there life put in danger if they are not respected. The police have knowledge of human anatomy and are trained about how to cause nerve damage or brutalize a body. NO-ONE SHOULD BE BEATEN BY POLICE. THE IS NO LOGICAL REASON FOR THIS BEHAVIOR.  but to be brutalized while the victim’s not concisene is a crimmial act and then to ateempt to hide this act with prescibed pain killer is a sin agianst the hypocrite oath. DO NO HARM.

I think sometime police like to remind politicians about how much their safety depends on the police especially in third world counties. this covid thing has become and exuse to be lazy rude and create distraction. If we cannot depend on our police to reflect the wholesome values we hold dear. Then the future of any nation is at risk


Hospital Police safe injecion site 

Editorial Opinion 

Duplication of sevices is someting that really need to be taken into account when the subject of police services in Guelph is brought to the table. Guelph is surrounded by regional Government and yet in remains alone like the ncuculi of a single celled ooraganism encircled by the jurisdiction of Wellington County. Guelph is the a handful of jurisdiction outside of Toronto that has a ward system of government. This means of government has the effect of creating in fighting when the spending of Municipal tax money is at stake. that does not make for a good balane of power when it comes to making police acccountable for their behaviour. If Guelph was to become part of Waterloo Region would taxes go down. 

from Co Pilot In Guelph, Ontario, Canada, property taxes are set to rise by 8.52% next year, followed by similar increases in future years. The portion of the budget within the city council’s control contributes to a 3.96% tax increase. For an average household with an assessed property value of $407,000, this means an additional $410 in property taxes for 2024. However, it’s worth noting that Guelph homeowners pay a larger chunk of their household income for municipal taxes compared to most other local municipalities in Ontario12.

The Mayor could use his veto  to reduce Police presence at the General Hostipal Because this Guelph instiution seem unwilling of unable to control police activeity on the property. any visit to this institution can be interrupted by thuds on the walls and a flash of Police uniform through a window And the words "What else you Got on you, uh"

from Co-pilot The Guelph Police Service budget for 2024 is $61,399,520, and it’s expected to increase to $66,366,000 in 2025, $70,863,850 in 2026, and $75,403,900 in 20271. As for the provincial contribution, the 2023 capital budget includes a grant of $1,400,000 from the Province of Ontario for the NG911 project2. However, the exact percentage of the budget funded by the province isn’t explicitly specified in the available information. If you need further details, I recommend checking official budget documents or contacting the Guelph Police Services Board directly. Is there anything else I can assist you with? 

Editorial Opinion Wiseguys

Remember that Movie, and the Guy is chased by a helicopter, If the had been a drone he would not have seen it. So why is this important? Because high up at night sitting my balcony after a movie drinking coffee. I can see these drone taking off from downtown Guelph Police Headquarters See LinkThere is definetely more than one. this started about a year and a half ago. and these drones cluter my night view of the sky. No one can see these things in the cold light of day especially if your on the ground. So yes I agree drones might have a place in law enforcement See Link. 

However these drones like any other tool avialable to the police can be abused. so I come from the movies the other night and I thought a Quick cup of coffee was in order. so I went to sit and sip on the balcony. The usual drones were flying back and froth across the sky. Suddenly a very very bright light form behind a building was moving toward a balcony and the drone it was mounted on came close enough to deliver me Pizza. 

This is Harassment and if Guelph Police CANNOT USE THEIR EQUIPEMENT SO THE POLICE RESPECT EVERY CITIZENS CONTITUTIONAL RIGHT TO PRIVACY then thetheir toys should be taken away. this is exterme but maybe we should reduce the money given to Guelph Police and give it to the poor and disabled people who live on our streets. 

Police beatings Brings Shame to Community

                                                                                        New Content added   

Editorial Opinion by Phil Musgrave 

So you look at the video below and you think, well that happened a long time ago, True, but listen to what the announcer is telling you. She said after the "hospital" viewed the video they called the police, yea the Guelph Police, Not the OPP or the Mounties. that makes about as much sense as negotiation with terrorists. Come on your a hospital administrator you see some puck cop beating on a kid in your hospital and you phone the cops no wonder Guelph General Hospital is a dangerous place to be. Nobody  had the guts to do anything more that phone the Guelph police. If something had been done when the beating occurred  then maybe Guelph Cops would not be abusing seniors who have be carded by their doctors, or beating up disabled senior who were not even concisely aware at the time.

Beating of this kind only happen with community consent, at what point do you say No! that's it No more! The Guelph police  have been successful sued buy a downtown merchant who the Guelph Cops wrongly asumed had stolen property in his store. I was born with a disiblity that could have left me picking up a government cheque all my life. I never did, instead I worked odd jobs and was able to build a company that made 100,000 a year. I employed eight disabled people who earned money every week, to suppliment their goverment cheque. I was loved by 4 women but only two are now angels. and one speaks to me always. You might say I was a bit of a hero. The people I used to look up to as my heros were the cops firefighters and first reponders. I spent many years taking their pictures on rememberace day. they all had their one special page one my website. The page was only for them.

This page has changed because I was betrayed some of my heros who had the public tust and  boke it and they did it more than once. so in my eyes they went form hero to heel and brought shame to the community of Guelph. The Guelph I remember had the milkman bring buttermilk to my home,  and  teachers who cared about me and my future. I was taught religion. good ffrom bad, God knows I have been a wayward child, but I never thought I would get beaten while asleep in what should bebeen the safest place in the city.  Opinion editorial How to administer a hospital

I have visited Guelph General Hospital a Number of times and there has been a degeneration of service. with the exception of a few are. Guelph Paramedics do a wonderful job. dedicated senitive and aware. Absolutely devoted to the Job and the welfare of the patent. The food in the hospital has inproved and some nurses really care about what they are doing and why they are there,. But is very difficult to change attatudees when your supervising nurse is more interested in talking about there recent trip to Japan that looking after patient needs. of finding out what someone can do for their bruder and forgeting patient medication. Many of the nursing staff want to do a good job and are profesional but are limited because of union rules or wispered secrerts. This might be because of tthe environment they work in. 

Now the Guelph Police have no business having a nest at the GGH. you want a model of good security in a hospital, try St. Micheals in Toronto that hospital has an Emergency Treatment setup that is the evey of all Ontario. and not one cop to be seen. In Guelph General the triage system is a joke. Two rooms on a model left over from the covid area where no Nurse can properly do his or her job, and then to be on a bed in cold emergency ward listening to the police beat people. "What eles you got on you? " and the of thud a body being slamed agianst a wall. 

I am a property taxpayer in Guelph and I have watched the hospital degenerate to a very scary place to be. I was in there without my cellphone until Mr. "I visited Japan" stopped bragging and made the right call. The issue of consent is at issue. I was not properly informed about the drugs I was being given I have the right to refuse medication even if it is a pain killer. I have a right to get my medication on time especially anticonvulsante. and not have to wait for Mr. "what can you do for my bruder" to get off the phone.

Now let me state something clearly If you are epileptic you cannot help what your body does. all my life I have fought to control my essential Termor at I might have finnal found a drug that can control my movement. but that lucky accident happened after my last hospital vist an I am still not shure I have it right. I guess God gives us these trials to make us stronger in sprint. 

Remember videos 

Editorial Opinion  


Editorial Opinion He probably deserved it 

Nobody deserves to be beaten by the cops and somtimes it might be that even the cops don't know why they beat someone Below are three example of unessesary police conduct the second one has been documented as true and the victim was the same in all three beating. This peace has been written to help people understand and prevent police misconduct. The changes of a lawsuit winning any one of the cases mentiond below are not good. That fact MAKES THE he world a very scary pace to live.

beating #1 took place resulting from a confortation between a very young and immature man and bus driver who had passed him standing at a bus stop on a foggy night. the man lived a long way from campus and the bus service was not very good so the ride was needed as it was geting late and the bus might come around that way for maybe an hour. after the bus passed him the you man ran after the bus and got on at the next stop. he said somthing ignorant to the driver, and was asked to leave the bus. He refused and have just been at the campus movie of the week Solvent Green his mind was confused. Still there IS NOT ot  any good reason for being rude to a Bus diver. an apoligy was in order but not forthcomming. So after the bus left University, Waterloo regional police boarded the bus. At that time the young man was asked agian to leave the bus. but because home was an hours ride away on the old Kitchener transit line the young man tried to explain that he did not know if that was the last bus. So the police Grabbed his grion area and pinched the nerve going down the leg and paralyzed one leg. he was then dragged off the bus into the Street NO CHARGES WERE LAID,

Beating #2 took place in a mental hospital that a middle aged man was paying a visit with his wife to a patient of the hospital who had bulimia and was under treatment for. he was suprised by a cop who took him to the floor very quickly in the middle of the ward with doctors and his wife as witnesses. after the cop knelt no his back till he could hardly breath HE WAS ALLOWED UP and insturcted that the woman he had come to visit was to have her property removed from the thrid bedroom of the apartment and he was to allow this to happen NO CHARGES WERE LAID

Beating #3 was made on the UNCONSCIOUS body of a man in his seventies while he was in a hospital. The beating was deliberate and CRUEL and was intended to cripple the VICTIM the beating caused nerve .damage.and bone brusing   NO CHARGES WERE LAID


Editorial Opinion

 Dispite all the efforts of Google to make it almost impossable to get any advertizeing dallors. has taken on the role of the fifth estate here in Guelph. We don't suck up our news from a straw and become a news feed for the police" If you were born after Nixon and Watergate the you need to watch the Robert Redford movie about the Washington Post reporter, to understand the true role of a free press plays in a proper democracy. there are for parts to good Goverment, Legislative, judicial, Executive, and a free press 

So will now keep the role of the fifth estate alive 

The kind of police beating show in the video below does not need any explaining. this man should not be on the force and if he is still a meber of Guelph Police. the chief needs to be dismised. That would not do much good because he would only be replaced by someone maybe better but likely worse. so what can be done. well the problem is lack of a responsible government in the city of Guelph. No effective politial control is built into the local city govenment. So basically the Police can do as they please. The Mayor and the alderrman form a very weak central goverment because Guelph Opted for a Ward system. The weakness of the city council to be able to control Police Politics is also a result for the fact that Guelph is not part of a regional government. 

Guelph Needs to join a regional government. then the policies and behaviors of Guelph Police would be scrutinized by the Waterloo regional Police so instead of the taxes being just as high here as in Waterloo region they would be just as high but the police hospital and social sevices would be managed uniformly throughout the region.  

These Hospital RECORDS

need to be CHECKED by


for the timing of the administration of a strong Narcotic PAIN KILLER 

Sadistic Cop assult in Guelph See More Below 

This was a brutal, with victim cuffed to what looks like hospital bed in private room in Guelph-ontario: Note how the victim has no way to punch back. 

Editorial Cartoon below 

Guelph Police abuse elderly man asleep in Hospital

When asked  why Chief Gord Cobey says "we did it to protect our staff    

No one Trusted with protecting the public has no  the right to abuse a member of The public.

Editorial Opinion

Guelph Police 

It is the subject nobody wants to talk about, "police beatings" but I an going to speak up, no one in postion of public trust has the right to administer "street justice" especial in a hospital environment. 

No policemen has the rigtht to beat a unconscious patent in hospital

Police should be trained to Understand a disablity and how difficult it is to live with one. 

We remember 2022

Guelph We remember 2021