Editorials Cartoons and Art

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So we have occupation of University campuses across United States of America It is the sixies agian. there is one exception Hostages are still bexing held by Hamas. Joe Biden has never had the gut to stand agianst terror and call the bluff of Hamas. Tell them "we don't negotiate" unless you give back the hostages and apologize.

the hope would be Logic would dictate. that the action to follow would give priority to all hostages being free.

The occupation of campus is a reactionary move by the the radical left. there is no issue of hawks or doves here.

This looks like a political attempt by hamas to gain total victory by keeping the hostages and moving world opinion to be simpathetic to their cause.

these actions on campus are not peace protest as long as there are Hostages and no apology.

Israel as a nation has shown remarkable restraint and would be right in attacking any Hamas stronghold unless the Hostages are returned and apologizes made.

FOX NEWS taplink


Kevin O’Leary, known for his role on “Shark Tank,” has been vocal about his views on the trial against former President Donald Trump. During the trial, when Trump’s assets were at risk, O’Leary expressed concern that seizing those assets “like he was in Venezuela or Cuba” would harm business in New York and the United States. Although Trump later secured a bond, O’Leary believes that the “sordid trial – brought by partisan Democratic prosecutors in Manhattan” has damaged America’s credibility. He stated that the American brand has been “dragged through the mud” and likened the situation to a “banana republic” where rulers eliminate political enemies. O’Leary emphasized that this trial could have economic consequences for ordinary Americans1. Additionally, he urged voters to “protect the brand of America,” emphasizing the impact of radical leftist politicians’ efforts to jail Trump2. In another interview, O’Leary lamented that the trial was “tainting our brand,” referring to the country’s 200-year reputation3. Despite differing opinions, O’Leary believes Trump will appeal the ruling successfully, and investors will eventually feel less spooked1.     


Editorial Opinion

We now live in an age were human rights a trampled. A free press is a Joke at times. and all decent christian values have been thown aside. because We are arrogant. If you place the two presidential records side by side who comes out the winner. It has to be the next president of the United States  Donald Trump. Treating a former President like a common crimmial is unsportsmanlike conduct. Trump is the only politician right now who can save not just the world but American from the kind of disaster that will take years to recover from.

Today's World is a little sad with people hurting. if we take the right steps NOW we can see a world in four years time full with space ships, Robots and Personal tech that can only come from dreams. The world needs strong desisive leadership and Donald Trump is the man with the talent motavation and willpower to make American and the world a better place to live.

So why not run a fair and legitatmate election in United States. A former president has to have immunity, It comes with the job. Anything eles is disrespectful.

More  About Trump From Co- Pilot 

New Drawings     

Bird with Fish 




pablo nude bathing 



bless me Father 




Stephen HAWKING 









The Garden New Drawings 



Good Morning 

Blue Republican elephant 

New Art

April 1 2024

Phil Musgrave 

April 1 2024

Phil Musgrave 

say hi

More New art

Copyright Phil Musgrave 2023 

Summertime and the living is easy 

Editor Opinion How would The Cartoons Vote

Ok Porky Pig can sing a pretty good blue Chirstmas 

but he does without pants in highheels so he is definitely voting Democrat.

On the other hand Elmer Fubb is a dependable republican vote he likes guns and shooting Rabbits.

Foghorn leg horn is the Undecided voter. he will do what the wider hen tells him 

Not so much the the dog he is a republican voter.

Islamaphobia Editorial Opinion 

image  Copy right Phil Muusgrave      

Editorial Page: Editorial Opinion

Editorial  more on homelessness

Editorial Opinion

It should be explained in a little more detail why we have a housing crisis in Canada. Because we want one. How can anyone justify the rules that exist now for housing in Ontario most homeless people have income from The Ontario disability pension or old age security both incomes are fixed. Most people on this kind of income now cannot look forward to buy a house or pay full market rent. So why place a limit on assets in the bank for a person that's already been housed. If you live on a fixed income things are desperate food, is it variable commodity technology is pricey. When you get housing the first thing you want to do is to make it comfortable and secure. The second is to make yourself comfortable and secure that would mean money in the bank.

The poor living in rent assisted housing in Wellington County are only allowed about three months full market rent in savings in the bank. if they go above this figure they are asked to spend the extra money paying their rent at market value even on rent, for example, a tenant living in a building receiving old age security would be asked to pay full market rent if their assets were about the three months limit. After that they are then allowed to be apply for housing and placed it at the bottom of the list. That would mean that whatever assets they had would now be gone. If the tenant was lucky, they would find housing just in time today first I'm not.

I have noticed there are Prime Minister Justin Trudeau today is addressing The United Nations in poverty in the third world. Come back home you poor be leaguered man and take a look of the people in your country lining up at the soup kitchens place

Editorial  Cartoon

Trudeau Cartoon

The Future Canadian Pudding Head Ten

Local Affiars

Police Budget How it Works For Downtown Guelph


Cartoon; One of Guelph's local politicians was recently helped to feed people at one of this cities downtown Church kitchens. How wonderful the people were. I think He got it wrong. It is housing not handouts these people want. 

Editorial Cartoon Police and the law. Know your rights More under Cartoon


Editorial opinion Bank Cartoon 

We do these Things, and the others

Remember Editorial Cartoon

Editorial Cartoons

United States Claims communication with Russia going well

Vaccination  should not be a requirement for employment


Dirty Harry

Granny likes to fish


Poems and Pictures

This is a poem for mental health

afraid to talk a nap I wonder the soulless recess of hell

lack of sleep more muscle more every time

the face I love

he hasn’t left the house in fifty years

everything is some kind of mental torture

I hate the name and cannot find my way

Lord is there anyone to help us

Die Like soldier standing up

so many minds broken of dreams

how many can stop

it's an aging population

of selfs

keep saying I am not supposed to be here

and must

Die like a soldier standing up

The bombs will come again

He won’t stop for a christian burial

get ready he hits a again

you try for friendship

too tricky

so you

die like a soldier standing up

food means nothing

the days are not there

I  wish my loved my heart

and together as best we can we

Die like a soldier standing up.




Run route # work early quiet

Night blue light return work more chat

earbuds a all over the garden of conversation

edit more names of roads that someone

walking to the back, not done Recently

tomorrow early why no one awake

in summer sunrise

still no talking

you go anywhere away from your hood

exciting people to meet

cozy bus in winter

crazy bus in summer

an excuse when there is no other


Copyright Phil Musgrave

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The Last Art Showing @ University of Guelph 2020

The last art exhibit was made possible by donations from If Shoes Guelph  and The University of Guelph