Editorial Opinion

Google cannot be trusted with anyones perronal art or writings, It 's dog eat dog world outthere and Google is a dog that need to be brought under some kind of control. This website domain has been sold to square space without my concent. In fact I emailed sandorgmail.com and requested that my domains not be sold. This is my art My photographs and My Advertizing that google has sold not only that the Squarespace  added a New Method of Payment and erased the old ones. So now It looks like I own money I was paying for the domains from a bank account  not a credit card 

This method of payment seem to have been erased by square spase, who also Gave me a Domain I never asked for. That means I pay more  all I wanted was a job to take me into retirement. so I have paid for these domains using credit that costs even more I am so fed up not being able to contact google or square space I feel violated corperatee rape. tust is an important word and google broke it. 

More On Google

Editorial is your android a spy

open letter 

I phoned my bank and they have assured me that my credit is good and your payment has been made. You are again instructed not to sell my website thebdot.com as Question your legal right to my property. Google has provided service to me. but you do not own My art or photography or my content on My web website. Realize now that I should not  have given you access to my credit  information AS THE FEES AT SQUARESPACE ARE SOMETHING i CANNOT AFFORD.  so I will be keeping a tight watch on you .To make sure you do no evil.

Just like people, companies can be kind or Insensitive. THe BMO in Canada has been very kind to me also as has Samsung and Bell Canada, Your Company Google has no control of employees Google used to be nice and socially aware. Now you're acting like arrogant self entitled Brats.

So let me tell you about me I have had to fight twice as hard as anyo ne else and I deal huge amounts of physical pain although I don't show it 

Because squarespace added a new domain that I want removed and their fees are way too high and they did not ask if I would like them to host my website. That puts Google on Shaky legal ground. Also, my website domain was being paid through a debit card. That option is now unavailable even though you claim it is.  

If My bank is telling the payment was made and I am getting an email saying it wasn't the chances are someone stole it. how do I know I cannot talk to Google 

Sandor there is room here for a class action lawsuit. 


some of us have urge to create and some people want to cataloge all these things we humankind will make in a life time or a history time. we must be careful to be polite. not snatch at thing that we don't really own. however well intended an infringment on copyright is still against the law and we must be careful not to add something to someone's work like an extra domain so we can make money's. Sephen Harkings work should remain Sephen Hawking work even if the Stephen Hawking domain is not paid every effort should be made to prevent fruad But it remains his lifes work and every effort should be made to find out Why the payment has not been made. for example the payee could have died, and the POA does not have acesss to account. or the card # could have changed 

in this world of no phone contact it would be polite to say Ok so we sold a domain we need to cantact the current owner and see what his wishes are. technoligy should never be an  excuse be rude


 Phil Musgrave

Owner thebdot.com 


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We want to share life too 

look what I won in a Raffel

Grand Valley Wood Carvers  had a raffel to raise money and I won the first Prize. this is I think a Lilly troter complete with Lilly Soon to be One display ( We hope at Meridian credit Union  union Stone Rd.

 Almost done 

Image Consept and content copyright

Joseph Philip Musgrave

Filling in the cracks

filled the countersink

Fill the cracks

paint the frame

"No," I said "Blue, not that Yeaky color I want Blue!" 

Not done Yeti

Twisted Carpenter

Tools at Hand

Framing Halucination Niagara Falls step three

Sanding Has finished

Frame Cut by Rona Hardware store Guelph

tight fit

some thinking needs to be done

I would like to thank the workers at Rona Hardware Store On Dawson Road Guelph for helping me walk though this step 

 Ready to frame halucination niagara falls Joseph Philip Musgrave